

Course Outline

Seventh Grade Science Course Outline 2014-15
Course Name:
Seventh Grade Science     
Shaun Rudolph

Teacher Contact Information:
srudolph@sccs.net, (831) 429-3860 (x111), Room 11

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 2:30-3:00 
Course Description:
Seventh grade science includes the study of topics such as cellular biology, genetics, evolution, Earth and life history, the structure and function of living systems, the physical principles of living systems, and many investigations and experiments.  It also includes the study of “Family Life” which includes human development and reproduction. 

Textbooks:  Glencoe- Miller Life Sciences

Students need the following materials in class:
·            Science notebook (this will be given to students the first weeks of school)
·            Writing instruments (at least 2 pencils and 1 blue or black pen)
·            Highlighter
·            Colored pencils (small set 8-12)
·            Mission Hill Middle School Planner
·            Silent Reading book (for 5th or 6th period)

 Student Expectations:
Students should be prepared by having materials out (backpacks should be stored in lockers) and being on time. During class we expect students to participate by actively listening, following directions, participating cooperatively. Students are expected to check School Loop regularly for assignments and to monitor their academic progress.  Students are expected to show respect to one another, their teacher, and classroom materials at all times. Consequences for not following class/school rules follow an incremental multiple step process. Students will be expected to check Mr. Rudolph’s blog regularly, which can be accessed at www.sciencewithrudolph.blogspot.com.

Teacher Policies:

Grading: Students receive Progress Reports for Science every six weeks. Semester grades are given every eighteen weeks. Grades will be determined by:
·            Course Understanding and Performance as measured through assessments, including end of unit tests, projects, presentations and individual assignments, and laboratory investigations (labs) (60% of the grade).
·            Quality completion of science interactive notebook assignments (40%of the grade).

Late Work Policy:  Late work will be given credit at office hours only. All notebook assignments must be completed and checked before the notebook check. Exceptions to late work made only due to family emergencies.

Make up Work:
If students are absent, they are expected to attend Office Hours and check School Loop to get missed assignments.  Students will have one day for each excused day of absence to make up work. (Notebook checks will be completed regularly.  It is critical if students miss a notebook check that they make it up at office hours.) 

            Keys to Success in this class:
Students should come to class on time every day and be ready to participate. Supplies listed above need to be brought to class daily, especially the science notebook. For extra support students are encouraged to attend Office Hours.

Student Agreement:
I have read and understand the policies and expectations associated with this class.

Print Name: _________________________________  Period: _____________________

Signature: ____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Agreement:
I have read and understand the expectations and agree to assist my child in following them.

Print Name: _____________________________  
Signature: _____________________________

Preferred contact info: _____________________ 
Best times to contact: _____________________